Gutted Interview with Dr Catherine O'Leary
Dr Catherine O'Leary is a consultant clinical psychologist specialising in chronic health conditions. For many years she has worked with...

🎧Podcast news - Check out GUTTED!
Check out my new podcast Gutted, talking about all things gut and skin related. You can find it on Spotify, Apple, Google, iHeart Radio...

60 seconds with Matt Hess
Matt developed acne, rosacea and a plethora of other diseases that lasted for fourteen years. Matt started getting acne in his teenage...

Order my new book on Amazon today!!
My second book, 10 Powerful Steps to Clear Psoriasis is now available to order on Amazon! You might be conditioned in to thinking that...

60 seconds with Lisa Lee, PhD, Lic.Ac
Lisa Lee, PhD, is a fully qualified and licensed Five-Element acupuncturist and a member of the British Acupuncture Council. Lisa’s...

60 seconds with Dr Meg Van Deusen
Hi Meg, great to have you for 60 seconds. Tell us a little bit about how you got into psychology and what you love about it? Thank you...

My first ebook is out now!🥑
Excited to announce my first ebook - Healed : A science-based approach to support your gut bacteria and clear psoriasis is out NOW on...

Are you looking for some skinsperation?
If you have skin problems and you are looking for inspiration, you have come to the right place! Maybe you have eczema, psoriasis or acne...

60 seconds with the Intestinal Gardener
While surfing the internet on a damp, dark night in Scotland, I happened upon this great gut bacteria blog with a fantastic name, the Intest

Autoimmune diseases on the rise...
According to The National Institutes of Health (NIH) up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from 'autoimmune' disease and the prevalence is...

60 seconds with Jeannette Hyde
Jeannette, like me, is fascinated by new research linking the microbiome – the kilo and half of bacteria mainly in the digestive system –...

Gut bacteria give away!
No, sadly I'm not giving away the perfect gut bacteria (if there is such a thing :)) but offering the opportunity to test yours and find...