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VegFest Scotland 2016

I am not a vegan (I'm not even vegetarian), but last December I delivered a raw food demo at VegFest Scotland about the power of plant based/focused diet and eating for your microbiome. VegFest Scotland was an amazing experience and I would urge EVERYONE to go along, even (and maybe especially) if you are a meat eater.

More than five a day

Eating vegetables is very important to me. In fact, it is the cornerstone of my health philosophy. I do, however, occasionally eat meat and fish, and small portions of diary.

I like to think I am educated when it comes to meat: I’ve watched a lot of the films to do with meat (Food Inc, Food Matters, CowspiracyForks Over Knives ) and I limit my meat eating, especially red and processed meat - see Cancer Research Guidelines because of the impact on animals, the environment and health. I mainly eat fish, white meat and eggs and I am a conscious meat eater; I always eat organic and free ranged meat, and I am always interested to learn more about the impact of meat eating on the planet.

VegFest Scotland is a two day event  which combines vegan food, education, entertainment and socialising in a welcoming, friendly environment. 7,000 people turned up last year and the atmosphere was amazing, and apparently this year they are hoping for 10,000! The vegan/vegetarian movement is alive and well people - get involved!


3rd and 4th December 2016

What to expect

Expect an amazing atmosphere and expect to eat A LOT. Expect to try lots of new and unusual things and meet some very warm and friendly people. Expect great demos and talks, I wish I could've seen more.

What it's not

VegFest Scotland is not a rally or protest of meat-eater-hating extremists. The event has a fantastic atmosphere and was absolutely mobbed (especially for a rainy weekend), with some great foods to try. The event is about education, experimentation, peace and love (man!).

Last year, as my mum and I enjoyed our falafel and the lively music, a very lovely woman came on stage and started to address the crowd. She asked if anyone in the audience ate meat and I thought “oh crap, head down, keep quiet!!” ... but my mum (honest and lovely as she is) put her hand up. As she did, I ducked down and waited to be pelted with aubergines but, to my surprise, no one threw any vegetables and everyone was lovely; applauding her for coming to VegFest Scotland and for educating herself about meat. How nice.

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